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Welcome to the Professional Client / Consultant Services Agreements Committee (PROCSA®) Website

Our Client/Consultant Professional Services Agreements comprise a suite of documents prepared to regulate the terms of engagement between the client and the consultants. It was compiled in the interests of standardisation and good practice in the construction industry on a mandate from the constituent members.

The Client / Consultant Professional Services Agreements comprise of the following:

  • Agreement: Terms and Conditions
  • Annexure A: Schedule (schedule of variables, amendments and or special conditions)
  • Annexure B: Services (scope of services specific to each discipline)
  • Further Annexures: As required and identified in the schedule which may, inter alia, include the relevant tariff of professional fees and schedule of disbursement rates etc.

The following Suite of Agreements are currently available:

• Architect • Structural Engineer • Electrical Engineer • Fire Consultant
• Landscape Architect • Civil Engineer • Quantity Surveyor • Project Manager
• Mechanical Engineer • Wet Services Engineer • Construction Health & Safety • Development Manager • Principal Agent (only) • Interior Architect • Blank

The Architect Agreement includes both Principal Consultant and Principal Agent as separate individual services and deliverables that can be selected by dropdown menus. There is therefore no need to sign a separate Principal Agent Agreement for this service.

The Agreements for Electrical, Mechanical, Structural & Civil Engineers, Landscape & Interior Architects include both Principal Consultant and Principal Agent services as combined services and deliverables that can be selected by a dropdown menu. There is therefore no need to sign separate Principal Agency Agreements for these services.

The Agreements for Civil, Electrical, Mechanical, Wet Services Engineers, Landscape & Interior Architects include separate Quantity Surveying services and deliverables that can be selected by a dropdown menu.

Generally, it is to be understood that all the services included in Annexure B are generic and can be changed and/or omitted to suit specific projects and circumstances. Provision is also made to include additional services and/or deliverables in each stage if required.

The ’Blank’ Agreement is available for those disciplines not published.

Current and historic editions of the documents at reduced cost for ‘Reference only Purposes’ are also available. A Matrix of services and deliverables by discipline and by stage is also available, together with Suites of all the reference documents.


The advantage of using PROCSA® Agreements are:

  • a consensus Agreement composed, accepted and recommended by all of the Constituents
  • provides for the services and deliverables broadly required across the six stages of works
  • drafted locally for local and international use
  • the same terms and conditions and the same document format, are used for all disciplines for ease of understanding
  • sets clear limits to responsibility and liability of all parties
  • enables changes during what are typically long-term projects
  • professional indemnity insurance is declared and defined
  • allows for effective dispute resolution
  • provides for an integrated Matrix of services across all the disciplines
  • defines the role and functions of the Client/Development Manager for all the work stages including stage 0.

PROCSA® Edition 5.0 (July 2021) is now Available

After almost 3 years of consultation with various role players, PROCSA released edition 5.0 with effect from July 2021. The main emphasis has been on the scope of services across all the disciplines. All have had significant changes based on feedback from the Industry.

Click here to read more about the amendments to previous editions.

Accessibility of Agreements

The PROCSA® Agreements are available for purchase using either of the following online platforms, providing ‘Reference’ and/or ‘Project’ documents that can be stored online, downloaded or received as an e-mail attachment.

  • The ‘Basic Suite’. This suite is provided for those who do not wish to register and work online, making it quick and easy. The Agreements can be printed and completed by hand, or completed and saved electronically. These documents are not stored online and therefore must be downloaded and saved on your computer. Click here for a full description of the ‘Basic Suite’.
  • The ‘Pro Suite’. This suite requires users to register and work online. It provides users with many value-added productivity enhancing facilities. These facilities save time and increase efficiency. A major productivity feature is that users are able to copy duplicated components of Agreements, as well as capture information regarding a new project once, which is then stored and automatically inserted into any document of choice.Click here for a full description of the ‘Pro Suite’.

    Click here for a comparison between the ‘Basic Suite’ and ‘Pro Suite’ facilities.


PROCSA® Training Workshops and Webinars

Contracts On-Demand facilitate the PROCSA workshops and webinars through selected PROCSA constituents. They are regularly held to train in the use of the PROCSA Agreements, their content and application. The presenters are committee members of PROCSA and are well versed in the application of the Agreements. This ensures that advice to users is appropriate in relation to the context in which they intend using the Agreements.

Click here to read more on Workshops and Webinars


PROCSA Documents Queries

Queries regarding documents should be directed to:
The Professional Client Consultant Services Agreement Committee (PROCSA®) at info@procsa.co.za or via info@contractsondemand.co.za


  • Click here to Purchase Documents
  • Click here to see a list of the PROCSA Document Prices
  • Click here to read more about Project vs Reference Documents